



納斯達克NASDAQ OMX歐洲商品、總部位於巴黎的BlueNext、總部位於倫敦的LCH.Clearnet和ICE期貨交易所都暫停EUA與CER的合約交易。


執委會19日表示,目前發現捷克有一價值7萬歐元(約合 940萬美元)的碳排放配額帳戶被盜領。同時,奧地利、愛沙尼亞、希臘和波蘭的帳戶也在最近幾個星期内遭到駭客入侵。



早在2010年12月,歐盟執委會氣候行動網的赫高(Connie Hedegaard)呼籲制訂更嚴密的歐盟碳交易市場監管制度,以防堵網絡安全漏洞。


執委會表示,官員們下周 「將繼續與各國當局在解除暫停登記的措施前,一同對制定最低安全措施做出決議。」Hackers Force Halt to Most European Carbon Emissions TradingBRUSSELS, Belgium, January 20, 2011 (ENS)

Most of Europes carbon markets have suspended trading in their spot emissions contracts for a week after the European Commission said late Wednesday that the security of its carbon trading platform had been breached repeatedly.

Daily futures of the European Union emissions allowance, EUA, and the United Nations carbon emission reduction, CER, are affected by the suspension, which will last until at least January 26.

This transitional measure is taken in view of recurring security breaches in national registries over the last two months, said the Commission, the executive branch of government for the European Unions 27 member states.

NASDAQ OMX Commodities Europe, Paris-based BlueNext, London-based LCH.Clearnet and ICE Futures Europe are among the traders that have suspended the two contracts.

But in Germany, the European Energy Exchange, EEX, and the clearing subsidiary European Commodity Clearing, ECC, said in a statement today that their operations have proven again reliable and secure despite recent hacking attacks on diverse national emissions trading registries.

The Commission said Wednesday that emissions allowances worth €7 million (US9.4 million) had been taken illegally from an account in the Czech Republic. Accounts in Austria, Estonia, Greece and Poland also were hacked in recent weeks, the Commission said.

The EU Emissions Trading System is the worlds most effective carbon dixoide cap-and-trade system, limiting roughly half the European Unions CO2 emissions by allocating a fixed quota of EUAs to factories and power plants and providing a market for trading in these allowances.

Under the Kyoto Protocol, European nations are legally bound to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 5.2 percent below 1990 levels by the end of 2012. The EU Emissions Trading System is one means of accomplishing that goal.

Back in December 2010, European Commissioner for Climate Action Connie Hedegaard called for better regulatory oversight of the EU carbon market to prevent security breaches.

Over the last years, the market has reached a size which makes it a potential target of fraudulent practices, Hedegaard said. Therefore, as the market matures and grows further, it is critical that it continues to be subject to appropriate and effective regulatory oversight.

The European Commission said that during the coming week, its officials will proceed to determine together with national authorities what minimum security measures need to be put in place before the suspension of a registry can be lifted.



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